An actor is just another person …

During the recent elections many actors and entertainers were derided for their political points of view. Facing hard truths about our world, just like everyone else, many of them offered opinions and reasons for supporting one or the other candidates, but, as one entertainer pointed out, “Just because you’re offended, doesn’t make me wrong.”

Remembering that it was not that long ago that the country elected a “movie star” to sit in the oval office, one, by the way, that was acclaimed as one of the best by popular opinion.

Ergo, there are many in that industry that have proven themselves very perceptive and knowledgeable when it comes to world affairs and the affairs of government, and certainly aware of what is being done to our planet. They just happen to have access to a public platform from which to express themselves, where we do not!

There is a reason why the government, however ill-conceived it may be, wants to replace fossil fuel with electricity. But is that a viable solution?

Big Oil vs. Electricity

Oil runs the world—but is the price we pay for this addiction worth it? Big Oil is in our lives, questioning whether we can ever break free from its grip. This scene highlights that truth!

It may be acting, but the facts are reality … check them yourself.

Wind Turbine Electricity: another ring through the noses of the public cattle that willingly follow the latest fads. Something that our leaders are not immune to doing along with everyone else. Oh, yes, and how do we dispose of all of that lethal lithium in those millions/billions of batteries?

Big Tobacco: Facing hard truths

There was no greater evidence of humanities greed than alcohol and tobacco which, according to recent statistic contribute to more than 650,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone. (Bride killed on wedding day by DUI driver.)

The tobacco industry is infamous for it deceptive advertising, glamorizing tobacco as though it ranks among the gold around one’s’ neck, and alcohol is often a silent partner in destruction. The realities include the tragic, recent event (link above)—a bride taken from this world on her wedding night by the very substance society so readily normalizes.”

MAGA … One can only hope!

Finally, but not last, we heard our current president elect talk about MAGA … Make America Great Again. Again, facing hard truths about our world, would you believe it if someone said, ‘America isn’t the greatest country anymore‘? Well, facing the truth isn’t about tearing America down—it’s about opening our eyes. In the following, Jeff Daniels delivers an unflinching assessment of where we’ve been and where we’re headed. Check the facts for yourself if you think they are “fake news.”

Facing hard truths about our world, i.e., Non-partisan, honest facts; NOT fake news!

Truth — honesty do often hurt, and when it is presented to us, we rarely judge it for what it is because of our bias toward the one who delivers it?

Is it time for humanity to stop staring truth in the face and walking away shrugging their shoulders saying, “Oh well, what can you do?” Why should we continually progress from one disastrous decision to the next, and all for the sake of monetary gain, convenience, and conveyance?

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